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王  博



长期从事数据驱动的能源资源可持续发展与智能决策研究。作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金(青年、面上、重点专项)、教育部人文社科基金、北京市自科基金、北京市社科基金、博士后特别资助等十余项。同时,作为方向负责人承担国家自然科学基金创新群体项目、作为子课题负责人承担国家社会科学基金重大项目;作为第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Energy、Nature communications、Environmental Science & Technology、《管理科学学报》等期刊发表论文40余篇,他引3300余次,H指数30,出版专著2部,连续多年入选爱思唯尔高被引科学家;申请发明专利/获批软件著作权十余项;提交政策提案与报告十余份,获国办等采纳、批示、立案或应用;作为主要完成人,获教育部自然科学二等奖、北京市自然科学二等奖等多项奖励和荣誉。



2. 可持续消费行为分析与智能决策

3. 新型电力系统“源、网、荷、储”协同优化与政策仿真


电子邮箱:b.wang@bit.edu.cn; 51022080@qq.com


[1] Bo Wang, Nana Deng etc., Residential power demand side management optimization based on fine-grained mixed frequency data, Annals of Operations Research, 2021

[2] Wang, Bo; Shi, Han etc., Whom you are with will make your travel greener, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2021.

[3]Bo Wang, Nana Deng etc., Effect and mechanism of monetary incentives and moral suasion on residential peak-hour electricity usage. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021.

[4] Bo Wang, Ziyue Yuan etc., Electricity price and habits: Which would affect household electricity consumption? Energy and Buildings. 2021.

[5] Bo Wang, Nana Deng etc., Effect of energy efficiency labels on household appliance choice in China: Sustainable consumption or irrational intertemporal choice? Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2021.

[6] Bo Wang, Xiaomeng Wang etc., Analysis of factors influencing residents’ habitual energy-saving behaviour based on NAM and TPB models: Egoism or altruism,Energy Policy, 2018.

[7] Bo Wang, Shuling Xu, Kaining Sun, Xiqiang Chang, Zhaohua Wang, Wenhui Zhao.Government responsive selectivity and public limited mediation role in air pollution governance: Evidence from large scale text data content mining. [J]. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2022.

[8] Wang Bo, Shi Han, Wang Zhaohua, Xu Shuling, Deng Nana, Qiu Yueming Lucy, Zhang Bin. Pandemics erode poverty alleviation process: Impact on productive livelihood and poverty return. iScience, 2023.06.

[9] Wang Zhaohua, Li Hao, Zhang Bin*, Wang Bo*(通讯作者), Li Hao*, Tian Xin, Lin Jiang, Feng Wei. Unequal residential heating burden caused by combined heat and power phase-out under climate goals. Nature Energy, 2023.07.

[10] Wang Zhaohua, Lubin*, Wang Bo*(通讯作者), Yueming (Lucy) Qiu*, Han Shi, Bin Zhang*, Jingyun Li, Hao Li, Wenhui Zhao. Incentive based emergency demand response effectively reduces peak load during heatwave without harm to vulnerable groups, Nature Communications, 2023.09.

[11] Wang Zhaohua, Zhang Hongzhi, Wang Bo*(通讯作者), Li Hao*, Ma Junhua, Zhang Bin, Zhuge Cheng xiang, Shan Yuli. Trade-Offs between Direct Emission Reduction and Intersectoral Additional Emissions: Evidence from the Electrification Transition in China’s Transport Sector. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023.06.

[12] Zhaohua Wang, Wenhui Zhao, Bo Wang*, Jie Liu, Shuling Xu, Bin Zhang*, Yefei Sun, Han Shi and Dabo Guan*. 2022. Environmentally vulnerable or sensitive groups exhibiting varying concerns toward air pollution can drive government response to improve air quality. iScience 25(104460. 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104460.

[13] Zhaohua Wang, Bo Wang, Priorities for biomass. One Earth, 2022. 5. (1): 3-6, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oneear.2021.12.018.

[14] Zhaohua Wang, Wenhui Zhao, Nana Deng, Bin Zhang, Bo Wang*. Mixed data-driven decision-making in demand response management: An empirical evidence from dynamic time-warping based nonparametric matching DID, Omega, 2021.

[15] Zhaohua Wang, Yefei Sun, Bo Wang*, How does the new-type urbanization affect CO2 emissions in China? An empirical analysis from the perspective of technological progress, Energy Economics, 2019.

[16] Yiming Li, Hailin Cai, Yuantao Yang, Bo Wang*, Regional difference and drivers in China's carbon emissions embodied in internal trade, Energy Economics, 2019.  

[17] Bo Wang, et al., Determinants analysis of carbon dioxide emissions in passenger and freight transportation sectors in China, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2018.

[18] Bo Wang, et al., Heterogeneity evaluation of China's provincial energy technology based on large-scale technical text data mining, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018.

[19] Zhaohua Wang, Pham Hoa, Kaining Sun, Bo Wang*, Quocviet Bui and Ali Hashemizadeh. 2022. The moderating role of financial development in the renewable energy consumption - CO2 emissions linkage: The case study of Next-11 countries. Energy 2022(254).

[20] Wang, Bo, Fiaz, Muhammad etc., Gazing the dusty mirror: Joint effect of narcissism and sadism on workplace incivility via indirect effect of paranoia, antagonism, and emotional intelligence. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022, 13 (1664-1078)

[21] Hao Li, etc., Bo Wang*, How to effectively implement an incentive-based residential electricity demand response policy? Experience from large-scale trials and matching questionnaires, Energy policy, 2020

[22] Sun, Yefei; etc., Wang, Bo*, Residents' sentiments towards electricity price policy: Evidence from text mining in social media, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2020.

[23] Dongxue Guo, etc., Bo Wang*, How does information publicity influence residents’ behaviour intentions around e-waste recycling? Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2018.

[24] Yaser Iftikhar, etc., Bo Wang*, Energy and CO2 emissions efficiency of major economies: A network DEA approach, Energy, 2018.

[25] Zhaohua Wang, Pham Hoa, Bo Wang*, Ali Hashemizadeh, Quocviet Bui, Nawarathna C.L.K. The simultaneous impact of education and financial development on renewable energy consumption: an investigation of Next-11 countries (2022) Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

[26] Wang Bo, Liu Shengbo, et al., Identifying technological topics and institution-topic distribution probability for patent competitive intelligence analysis: a case study in LTE technology, Scientometrics, 2014, 101(1): 685-704

[27] Liu Shengbo, Chen Chaomei, Ding Kun, Wang Bo*, Xu Kan, Literature retrieval based on citation context. Scientometrics. 2014. 101(2):1293-1307

[28]张静,李昊,李文,张洪秩,王博*. 面向碳中和的中国电能替代发展路径规划方法探讨[J].电力建设,2022,43(9):47-53

[29]王兆华,李通,赵文辉*,王博,张斌. 面向新型电力系统的多决策单元短期负荷统一预测[J].计量经济学报. 2022年第1期

[30]王兆华,李靖云,王博*,张斌. 基于改进分层博弈交叉效率模型的政策评价研究[J].管理科学学报,已录用.

[31]王兆华,马俊华,张斌*,王博. 空气污染与城镇人口迁移:来自家庭智能电表大数据的证据[J].管理世界,2021.

[32]王兆华,陆彬,王博*. 节能信息曝光度对绿色消费行为影响的实证分析——来自电商数据平台大规模文本数据的判据[J].中国管理科学,2022(1):241-251


[34]王博,刘盛博,丁堃等.领军企业在产业技术发展中作用研究[J].科学学研究, 2017, 35 (6):10.


[36]王博,刘盛博,丁堃等.基于LDA主题模型的专利内容分析方法[J].科研管理, 2015, 36(3):7.












国家电网新疆电力公司科技项目,“双碳”监测技术和碳配额、碳核算体系研究,2023.1-2023.12. 主持



国家电网有限公司科技项目,统筹能源安全、经济、低碳的新型电力系统多目标协同理论与评价技术研究,2021.1-2023.12. 核心成员

国家电网新型电力系统科技攻关计划重大科技项目(以新能源为主体的新型电力系统实施路径研究)第六子课题,终端用能形态演变与供需互动技术研究, 2021.1-2022.12,核心成员

国网上海电力公司科技项目, 面向碳中和目标的需求侧典型领域电力需求预测与调节潜力评估, 2021.11-2022.12. 核心成员

国网上海电力公司科技项目, 区域隐含碳流动与上海电网净零排放场景分析,2021.11-2022.12. 核心成员

国家电网江西省公司科技项目, 基于海量微观数据的智慧家庭用户超细分、智慧用能行为机理识别及智能化营销策略推荐,2020.1-2020.12. 核心成员