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 E-mail: ltzhao@163.com


2009.09-2012.07 中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所管理科学与工程专业,管理学博士

2001.10-2004.03    北京科技大学应用数学专业,理学硕士

1997.09-2001.07    北京科技大学应用数学专业,理学学士


2021.09至今 我院管理与经济学院/能源与环境政策研究中心,教授,博士生导师

2016.08-2017.08 美国艾德菲大学,访问学者

2012.10-2016.01 我院管理与经济学院,博士后

2004.03-2021.09  北京科技大学数理学院,讲师/副教授/教授


[1] Lu-Tao Zhao, Ling-Yun He*, Lei Cheng, Guan-Rong Zeng, Zhimin Huang. The effect of gasoline consumption tax on consumption and carbon emissions during a period of low oil prices. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 171:1429-1436.

[2] Lu-Tao Zhao*, Yi Wang, Shi-Qiu Guo, Guan-Rong Zeng. A novel method based on numerical fitting for oil price trend forecasting. Applied Energy, 2018, 220:154-163.

[3] Lu-Tao Zhao*, Kun Liu, Xin-Lei Duan, Ming-Fang Li. Oil price risk evaluation using a novel hybrid model based on time-varying long memory. Energy Economics, 2019,81:70-78.

[4] Lu-Tao Zhao, Ya Meng, Yue-Jun Zhang*, Yun-Tao Li. The optimal hedge strategy of crude oil spot and futures markets: Evidence from a novel method. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2019, 24(1): 186-203.

[5] Lu-Tao Zhao, Guan-Rong Zeng, Ling-Yun He*, Ya Meng. Forecasting short-term oil price with a generalised pattern matching model based on empirical genetic algorithm. Computational Economics, 2020, 55(4): 1151–1169.

[6] Lu-Tao Zhao, Zi-Jie Wang , Shu-Ping Wang, Ling-Yun He*. Predicting oil prices: An analysis of oil price volatility cycle and financial markets. Emerging Market Finance and Trade, 2021,57(4):1068-1087.

[7] Lu-Tao Zhao, Zhao-Ting Liu, Lei Cheng*. How will China's coal industry develop in the future? A quantitative analysis with policy implications. Energy,2021,235: 121406.

[8] Lu-Tao Zhao, Jing Miao, Shen Qu, Xue-Hui Chen*. A multi-factor integrated model for carbon price forecasting: Market interaction promoting carbon emission reduction. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 796:149110.

[9] Zhi-Gang Zhang, Xiao Hu, Zhao-Ting Liu, Lu-Tao Zhao*. Multi-attribute decision making: An innovative method based on the dynamic credibility of experts. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2021,393:125816.

[10] Zi-Jie Wang, Lu-Tao Zhao*. The impact of the global stock and energy market on EU ETS: A structural equation modelling approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 289:125140.

[11] 赵鲁涛, 李婷, 张跃军, 魏一鸣*. 基于Copula-VaR的能源投资组合价格风险度量研究. 系统工程理论与实践, 2015, 35(3):771-779.

[12] 赵鲁涛*, 刘丽娜, 郭实秋. 基于文本挖掘的石油市场风险时效性分析. 中国能源,2019, 41(06): 16-19+26.

[13] 赵鲁涛*, 郭实秋, 王彬, 孟媛, 刘淦, 梁丰韵. 2019年国际原油价格分析与趋势预测. 环球360注册登录学报(社会科学版), 2019, 21(02):20-24.

[14] 赵鲁涛*, 孙陆一,郑志益,王岱嵩,唐葆君. 2020年国际原油价格分析与趋势预测. 环球360注册登录学报(社会科学版), 2020, 22(02):26-30.

[15] 赵鲁涛*, 郑志益,邢悦悦,赵伟刚. 2021年国际原油价格分析与趋势预测. 环球360注册登录学报(社会科学版),2021,23(02):25-29.


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,大数据技术下的石油市场风险分析与价格预测方法研究,负责人

2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,中国成品油供需系统应急管理建模与应对策略研究,负责人

3. 北京市教育科学“十三五”规划优先关注课题,大数据在提高学校教育质量方面的应用研究,负责人